Sunday, July 12, 2009

There is an eror in my c++ says that unable to open file name 'include'.?

how can i solve this problem i am new in c++ programming. thanx

There is an eror in my c++ says that unable to open file name 'include'.?
i think there u have posted a wrong question.

please post the exact line where the error has occurred.

If the rror appears for every file that u include then there is problem with the directory settings. please look into the settings and make the necessary changes
Reply:you have typed a period "." after #include.Delete it
Reply:In C/C++ language, the "include" directive tells the compiler to go find and use a separate module at compile time -- in other words, to include that module in your program. So, if you say,

#include "foo.chud"

the compile will look in directories where you have told it to look for a file called foo.chud. If the compiler tells you it can't find or can't open foo.chud, that could mean that the file doesn't exist, it is in the wrong place, or you are telling your compiler to look in the wrong place. This is hopefully a basic setup issue with your directory path.

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